OCEANIC CW Subsea De-Calcification Fluid
OCEANIC CW contains chemicals that pose little or no risk (PLONOR) to the environment and has an excellent environmental profile.
Key Benefits
OCEANIC CW rapidly treats calcium deposits normally in less than 2 hours. It can be sprayed, painted on or dipped topside, sprayed subsea or pumped to fill crevices. It soaks into porous calcareous/scale deposits, dissolving them and separating the contamination from the surface of equipment.
- Meets stringent global environmental discharge regulations (e.g. Green in Norway)
Contains chemicals that pose little or no risk (PLONOR) to the environment and has an excellent environmental profile
- Denser than seawater
Negative buoyancy allows chemical to sink onto surfaces requiring treatment
- Compatibility with metals and polymers used on subsea equipment
Suitable for remedial operations and regular preventive maintenance regimes
- Compatible with OCEANIC RED LTF
Compatibility with similar products improve visibility/tracing during use