OCEANIC Red LTF & Oceanic Yellow LTF Leak Tracer Fluids
OCEANIC Red LTF and OCEANIC Yellow LTF are suited for ease of mixing in the field when equipment options are limited and space is constrained.
Key Benefits
High performance rust preventive.
· Globally compliant fluids available
U.S. manufactured Oceanic Red and Yellow LTF comply with GMG 290000
EU/UK OSPAR regions Oceanic Red LTF is preferred
· Minimal mixing required
Concentrated dyes are pre-diluted to ease mixing, agitation and circulation are adequate for mixing.
· Compatible with Oceanic and Erifon fluids
Fully soluble with agitation or circulation with most water-based fluids
· Low Treat Rate
U.S. manufactured Leak Tracer Fluids may use one five gallon pail of LTF to one-thousand gallons receiving fluid.
U.K. manufactured Leak Tracer Fluid utilize two hundred fifty parts LTF to five hundred parts per million LTF to receiving fluid for subsea leak detection